Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Taking the Initiative Against Depression

Oswald Cambers, MY (UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST: 2/17/09 http://www.myutmost.org/ (Select Feb. 17)"Arise and eat" (1 Kings 19:5). Chambers today helps us get a grasp on our humanity and that is that "There are things designed to depress us." Depression gets our attention. No, I haven't done anything specifically sinful, but am I allowing the "Spirit of God to direct me to do the most ordinary things imaginable"? I must rememember that God has my back and He knows when I am drifting. He knows when I am too focused on surviving the demands of my service to remember that it is only in Him that I find my strength, wisdom, patience, endurance, etc.....all the things I need to be a good nanny to Morgan and Walker, not to mention a good wife and mother. Beth Moore in her PRAYING GOD'S WORD DAY BY DAY suggests that it is our pride that permits us to even think we can chew what we have bitten off without Him. (That last part is from me. ) When I hear His call and cry for His help, I am all about being open to it; but once I get underway, I take far too much ownership of His work. Then Neil Anderson in DAILY IN CHRIST reminds me of Paul's admonition in Romans 7 that unless God reigns in our lives, moment by moment, sin will. But finally, in my dear mother's copy of MEDITATION MOMENTS by Mildred Stamm I am helped to once again get my mind around the incredible mercy and grace that is always, always available when I can swallow my pride and confess that I have gotten off track.....and depressed. I feel better already!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Are You Exhausted Spiritually?

Oswald Cambers, MY (UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST: 2/9/09 http://www.myutmost.org/ (Select Feb. 9) "The everlasting God...neither faints nor is weary" (Isaiah 40:20).
I do reach the point of exhaustion in my new role as nanny to two of my grandchildren, but the Good News is that God always renews me spiritually, emotionally, and physically.....when I give myself over to Him for that purpose. The key is to remember to do that before I am completely spent or the devil gains an advantage in this eternal tug of war. I like to remember the times that Jesus completely stole away to be alone with His Father. My daily study and meditation have been minimized lately and my level of energy coincides with that. This weekend I rested my body that has been fighting a cold for weeks. My service requires a lot of physical energy. Please pray for me. I know I am doing God's will, but that is good fodder for the enemy and makes me an easy target. My armour needs repair!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Are You Ready To Be Poured Out As an Offering?

Oswald Cambers, MY (UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST: 2/5 & 6/09 http://www.myutmost.org/ (Select Feb. 5 & 6) "If I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all." (Philippians 2:17) "I am already being poured out as a drink offering...." (2 Timothy 4:6).
This is a real tight rope journey for me. I learned from my Boundaries class that "if what I'm doing to help you hurts me, then it's not o.k." Yet it is clear that we are instructed to allow Christ to minister through us, that God equips the called, and He will supply all our needs.
I love my adult daughters so much that I sometimes intervene when things get to be more than I think they can handle, no matter what the cost is to me." These circumstances may have resulted from mistakes they may have made, but I see how hard they are struggling with the consequences. I am only trying to ease their pain, but that is exactly what enablers do; I understand that. Am I really turning to God with great conviction, trusting that He will show me when to step back and allow them to suffer and learn? It wasn't easy when they were little. It is even harder now. I see how hard they are trying to do all the right things. I must trust them as well as God. I know how much He loves them and is helping them. I must not get in God's way. I tell myself this over and over. When I grow weary, I must wonder if I am listening well. As I began, this is a learning process and I do trust my Teacher.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Becoming the Fiflth of the World

Oswald Cambers, MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST: 2/3/09 http://www.myutmost.org/ (Select Feb. 3) "We have been made as the filth of the world...."(1 Corinthians 4:13).
Chambers believes that a "True servant of Jesus Christ is one who is willing to experience martydom for the reality of the gospel of God." For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with the urge to rescue. I was only too williing to see the worth in the darker side of those who only needed my help. Only recently have I learned of the harm this can cause. I could have learned it much earlier in life by paying attention to the backlash of the unwanted assistance I have often forced on those I love. Oh, well. God never gave up on me. Once I began to suffer enough from the rejection I recieved, I began to look for the acceptance I could always trust to be there. It was never me that was needed. I am still learning to be less so that Christ can me more.
The wonderful thing about being a care giver to little children, there is less temptation to have unhealthy boundaries. They are a safe place for me to pour out my love. Thank you, Father for little children.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Recall What God Remembers

Oswald Cambers, MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST: 1/21/09 http://www.myutmost.org/ (Select Jan. 21) "Thus says the Lord:"I remember...the kindness of your youth..." (Jeremiah 2:2) Yesterday was a thunderous moment in history. We have put our trust in a man who offers us hope. Isn't that what Christ has called us to do? When we serve Him, is it with kindness? When we feel drudgery or resentment creeping in, it is time to reevaluate. I am inspired by our new president. He calls us to unity, all of us. The cup of water is not just offered to those who believe as we do. My image of Jesus is that He especially reached out in kindness to unbelievers. There is only one way to keep up the pace that He sets for us. We must stay close and in touch as we walk with Him. That is why I am writing this (FYI). I need the discipline of getting my armour in place, especially the helmet, which protects the mind of Christ I have invited into my life. I gladly welcome this surrender of my stinking thinking. I am reading The Shack by Wm. Paul Young. The main character, Mackenzie, is struggling with a Great Sadness. He simply can't cope with it alone; none of us can. I haven't completed it, but I know Mack is being transformed. God continually calls us to transformation. Why do we resist? The power of darkness is great and seductive. It seeps in without our realization, but as Allison commented on 1/15, our time in sadness is only limited by our own undoing. That is good news! Come, Lord Jesus, this day.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Voice of the Nature of God

Oswald Cambers, MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST: 1/16/09 http://www.myutmost.org/ (Select Jan. 16) "I heard the voice of the Lord saying: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" (Isaiah 6:8)
There comes a point when every need we see appears to be a call. If we have had a true call and have answered it, we want to repeat the experience of being in partnership with our Lord. It is a spiritual high and greatly desired by most Christian servants. However, it can't be initiated of our own accord. When I think God wants me to do something in paticular, my first answer to Him is that I am willing. If it is from Him, clarification always comes. It is one of those miraculous qualities of His; He is persistant if we continue to listen. He leaves no doubt, that is unless I say no. At that point, my life becomes despair until I realize I have tried to ignor my Master. It doesn't work. I am childlike in many ways and that it ok. I prefer approval and joy. I have a lot of fun for a 65 year old. A friend recently sent me the following link I hope you will enjoy. Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Do You Walk in White?

Oswald Cambers, MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST: 1/15/09 http://www.myutmost.org/ (Select Jan. 15) "We were buried with Him....that just as Christ was raised from the dead...even so we also should walk in newness of life." (Romans 6:4)
Chambers asks us if we have been through a "white funeral". Not everyone has experienced such a turning point. My mother, for instance, was (to all who knew her) the most Christ-like person we had ever known. She wasn't perfect, but her spirit truly reflected God's love. She regretted that she had never had a conversion moment, but she surely suffered for those she loved. I, on the other hand went from darkness to light. In a deep depression, I gave up, surrendered, and let go. I was disgusted with my own efforts so I turned it over to the One who claimed He could make a difference. He did and my true life began. I have known all about backsliding, hypocrisy, and denial since that death. It is always a short-lived defeat until the Commander of my soul is able to pull me back in to the peace and victory He gave me that night that turned into day. I live now for His glory and it is a joyful life indeed.